Alright, so for many this might not be “news worthy” to most but keep in mind this is a blog, not CNN The “craze” of the middleschoolers right now is these simple plastic wrist bands called “silly bandz”. When my kindergartner came home and told me that he really wanted them a few months ago my response was “hunh?”. He told me “we can get them at CVS mom”. So on our next outing we went to the CVS in Stroudsburg and they happened to have them – the sales clerk told us we got lucky because they just got a shipment in and they fly off the shelves.
So today was my son’s Kindergarten graduation celebration so afterwards we told him we’d get him another pack of Silly Bandz (even though he’s collected a bunch at this point through trading and teachers handing them out as rewards).
So after 2 CVS trips, a Rite Aid, and Walmart we finally stopped at AC Moore at the recommendation of my husband which turned out to be a really good call because they had them!
Even though they’re priced pretty inexpensive ($5 for 24) they still tend to break and like any craze they’re in hot demand so if you’re looking to pick them up at least as of today they had plenty in stock at AC Moore in Stroudsburg. Good Luck and Happy Silly Bandz Hunting!
**Note** I did check out their website and it looks like you can order all of them online at the same cost (I assume there is a shipping charge) so if you’re not in a rush I’d definitely check out their website.
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