This past Sunday the Pocono Marathon aka the Run for the Red was held. I made a note of it early on to mark it on my calendar and to consciously plan out my route to get to church that morning. Typically every year even though I know when it is, and make a mental note somehow I always end up leaving that morning and being really late/missing church due to routing around the race path.
So a little pat on the back to myself for scheduling it properly this year to get where I needed to on time. We passed through the course to get from the East Stroudsburg area over to Stroudsburg which is where the above picture was taken.
It seems like every year more people participate and from looking at their Facebook page alone you can see the praises of many different runners on how well organized it is and what a beautiful course it is as well.
The Poconos is known for many different things and the outdoors is definitely one of the biggest ‘selling’ points of the area. So if you’re looking to participate in a marathon next year be sure to check out the 2012 Run for the Red Marathon that will be held on May 20th, 2012. It’s a great marathon for a great cause (the local Red Cross of the Poconos) – for more info you can check out www.PoconoMarathon.org
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