Last week my son got out of school early on Tuesday due to the weather. That night and into Wed we got about a foot of snow. Over the next few days we had snow showers then another storm hit on Friday and ended up with 2+ feet for the week. With the snow drifts there were some spots in our yard measuring up to 3+ feet while parts of the driveway the snow was blown away to barely an inch.
It was definitely a snowy week and although it has warmed up over the weekend to allow a bit of the snow to melt(which is good because the roads are 100% clear), there are still mounds of snow left.
Down in the Stroudsburg area they only received a few inches – as we traveled up past Mount Pocono today you could see areas where it looked like a good 3-4 feet total were cut out. With the heavy wind causing drifts I doubt anywhere got more then 3 feet total, but it sure looks like it is more.
Spring is right around the corner but I’m not totally counting out another snow storm before the winter is done. It is usually pretty chilly well into April so we still have at least another month and a half to go before we can seriously start thinking about Spring.
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