Looking for something fun and affordable to do this upcoming weekend? The Pocono State Craft Festival is happening this Saturday and Sunday and admission is only $6 for adults and kids 12 & under are FREE! The festival is a mixture of Crafts for Sale, Craft Demonstrations, Food, Music and more. It’s never too early to start your Christmas shopping – from fine jewelry to stained glass to pottery you are sure to find something for everyone.
Here’s the details:
What: The Pocono State Craft Festival
When: Saturday August 25th, 2012 from 10-6pm
Sunday August 26th, 2012 from 10-5pm
Where: Quiet Valley Living Historical Farm
You can also check out their website at: www.PoconoCrafts.com
It’s too late to sign up for their mailing list to receive a discount, but if you have a smart phone you can scan the QR Code on their website to get the discount: http://www.poconocrafts.com/pocono/discount.htm
We do not make our soaps but they are handmade and where is this and how much is it and are there still openings.Thanks Ruthie
This event is held at the Quiet Valley Living Historical Farm in Stroudsburg, PA. For an artist application/information you can go to their website: http://www.poconocrafts.com/pocono/exhibit.htm
You can also visit their facebook page at: http://www.facebook.com/poconocrafts